American Patriots – Get Out and Vote!


Yes, if we are to halt the creeping “Obammunism” that is destroying our great country, those of us who believe in and support America must “Get Out and Vote” in November 2014 and 2016. We must elect candidates that support The Constitution, individual freedom, free markets, sound fiscal & monetary policy, economic growth, and limited government. A failure to vote is a conceded vote for a liberal democrat and potential further deterioration of our country. Our goal should be 100% turnout of Republican and Independent voters.

In my previous article in August, I summarized the most significant of the many failures of the Obama Administration and Democrats over the last six years. Other than promoting himself and “Change,” what are Obama’s real objectives? Is he capable of making any important decisions or taking any responsibility for the results of his failed policies? Is he actually serious about confronting the Islamic terrorist threat? Does he care about the stagnant economic growth fostered by excessive government regulations and high taxes? Does he want America to fail? I don’t know the answers to these questions but am very worried that, if we do not elect appropriate candidates in the next elections, America’s decline economically, culturally, politically, and internationally will continue. In the face of multiple global crises, the world needs a strong economy and strong leadership from the United States.

However, complaining about the failures of Obama and the Democrats in Congress will not correct our problems. It is up to us to correct our recent mistakes and vote in candidates who truly care about our country. Do we really want two more years of Harry Reid as Senate Majority Leader blocking virtually all bills passed by the House or proposed by Republican Senators? We now have the opportunity to correct the errors of the previous elections, take back the Senate in 2014, and elect a President who truly supports America in 2016. It is up to us to “Get Out and Vote” in huge numbers to counter the Democrats voting machine.

Our task will not be easy. The Democrats will definitely get out their socialist vote. They will knock on doors, arrange transportation to the polling stations, provide absentee ballots, and organize any and all support for their liberal base. They will leave no stone unturned in their attempts to retain power in the Senate and elect another Democrat President in 2016. They will mislead, distort the facts, and attempt to deceive the American people in every possible way in the period leading up to the elections in 2014 and 2016. It is vitally important that all patriots, conservatives, and freedom-loving Americans get out and vote – and encourage all of their family and colleagues to do likewise. Do not let the liberal Democrats take the election again.

Our great nation was founded on constitutionally protected principles of individual freedoms, free markets, and limited government. Let’s stop the rot, get back to our roots, and reverse the trend as soon as possible. Get out and vote in 2014 and 2016! The future of our exceptional country depends on you!

The Old Guy PhD

Save America – Vote Intelligently in November!


First, please accept personal thanks for the 350,000 visits to my website. Hopefully, most of you support my Republican conservative philosophy and want to get America back on the path the Founding Fathers intended when they formed our country and established The Constitution. I urge all you to get out and vote in the November elections in 2014 and 2016. Please encourage your relatives and friends to do likewise. I believe a big Republican voter turnout is crucial to the future of our exceptional country.

In previous articles I have supported Republican policies and criticized the socialist (liberal) policies of President Obama and the majority of Congressional Democrats. Fortunately, even some Democrats are beginning to realize the fallacies of those policies supported by Obama and the Democrat’s leadership. If we want to stop the cultural, economic, political, national defense, and international foreign policy decline in America, we must vote intelligently in November of 2014 and 2016. This is the only practical way to correct the disastrous policies of Obama, his Administration, and his liberal colleagues. We must retain a majority in the House and capture the Senate in 2014 and, equally importantly, retain these majorities AND elect a Republican President in 2016.

My 50 previous articles have described my reasons for this in detail and do not need to be repeated here. However, a brief review of the current governments’ major failures may be helpful. First, I genuinely believe that Obama has been the worst President in my lifetime. Obama was ill equipped and inexperienced when he was elected in 2008 and appears to have learned little during his presidency. In my opinion, the results of his lack of leadership and ability have been staggering, are detrimental to our nation, and endanger our future. He shows no signs of improvement. With the support of Democrats in Congress, especially the Senate, he has:

  • Divided our country racially and economically.
  • Fostered a massive increase in welfare dependency.
  • Increased our National Debt from $10 trillion to $17 trillion.
  • Undermined our influence with both friendly and hostile countries abroad and contributed to the current unrest in the Middle East, Northern Africa, and Ukraine.
  • Been the most anti-business President in the last century – perhaps ever.
  • Shut down the NASA space shuttle program making us dependent on Russia for access to the International Space Station and creating the loss of approximately 20,000 direct and indirect jobs in Florida.
  • Continued to reduce the size of our military defenses at a time when significant conflicts throughout the world and threats to American security are increasing.
  • Supervised the least transparent Administration since WWII.
  • Refused to seriously consider the single biggest hope for the economic and fiscal future of our country by ignoring the tax and federal budget reform recommendations of the Bowles-Simpson Report.
  • Fostered an administration that avoids critical decisions and refuses to exercise leadership or take responsibility regarding major crises, many created by his own Administration (Fast & Furious, IRS abuse, Benghazi attack, Keystone Oil Pipeline, Veterans Administration, etc.). His usual pattern is to express outrage, promise to deal with the issue, and then ignore or block any progress towards resolution.
  • Significantly increased government regulations (Dodd-Frank, Obamacare, and the EPA),
  • Overseen the weakest economic recovery in over 50 years.
  • Undermined the best healthcare system in the world, which successfully covered approximately 85% of the people, and is replacing it with the more complicated, more expensive Obamacare with less coverage and limited availability to doctors and hospitals.
  • Failed to protect our border with Mexico or work with Congress to resolve the problem of illegal immigration.
  • Been an “absentee” President when domestic or international problems occur and leadership is essential. His priorities seem to be vacations, golf, and speaking at fundraisers.

The recent polls in early August show the following opinions of the American people:

  • 71% believe America is on the wrong track, 22% believe American is on the right track.
  • 54% Disapprove of Obama’s performance, 40% Approve.
  • 60% Disapprove of Obama’s Foreign Policy, 38% Approve.
  • 53% Disapprove of Obamacare, 37% Approve.

Electing Obama once, let only twice, may turn out to be the worst election result in American history. Fortunately, he cannot constitutionally serve beyond 2016. If we want to save our country and foster economic growth and prosperity for our children, we must elect representatives who support and believe in our Constitution, individual freedoms, free markets, sound fiscal and monetary policy, economic growth, and limited government. It is time for we, the American people, to stand up and vote for representatives who care more about our country than they do about themselves.

Get out and vote in 2014 and 2016! The future of our country depends on you!

The Old Guy PhD

Republicans ARE the Party of “YES!”


Wake up American—regarding the future of our great country, Republicans ARE the real party of “YES!”

While not an official spokesperson for the Republican Party, I am a total supporter of the United States of America and know the difference between good and bad governmental policies. In my opinion, the principles below are good and are those for which the Republicans stand.

  • Yes, Republicans believe America is the most exceptional and unselfish nation on earth.
  • Yes, Republicans love our country, want to preserve our Constitution, and retain the balance of powers between the Administrative, Congressional, Judicial branches of government and the States.
  • Yes, Republicans believe in a constitutionally limited-power federal government providing national security, protection of our freedoms, an impartial legal system, and only essential and affordable government services for those citizens that are truly in need and unable to provide for themselves.
  • Yes, Republicans believe in a strong military to protect our country and preserve our freedoms.
  • Yes, Republicans believe in free and honest elections with proof of citizenship required at the voting stations.
  • Yes, Republicans believe in individual freedoms, especially freedom of choice, unrestricted by unnecessary government regulations and controls.
  • Yes, Republicans believe in sound fiscal and monetary policies to promote a solid financial foundation for growth and job creation in our economy.
  • Yes, Republicans believe the efficiency and effectiveness of free market capitalism and private property ownership produce superior economic growth and wealth for a nation. Government should get out of the way and let capitalism and entrepreneurship work.
  • Yes, Republicans believe our government has become too large, too expensive, and our unsustainable government spending supported by unrestricted debt will ultimately lead to a financial and economic crisis for our country.
  • Yes, Republicans believe in the dignity of all people, human rights, and freedom of choice and have repeatedly shown a willingness to unselfishly fight for these principles on behalf of other countries when these principles have been challenged by dictators and corrupt leaders.
  • Yes, Republicans believe in and want to preserve a financially sustainable Social Security System.
  • Yes, Republicans want to preserve America’s quality healthcare system that allows freedom of choice for all Americans at affordable costs.
  • Yes, Republicans believe in solving our illegal immigration problem through proper legislation without granting unilateral amnesty.
  • Yes, Republicans believe our federal tax system is broken, unnecessarily complicated, and needs major revision and simplification.
  • Yes, Republicans believe taking wealth from those who have achieved it and redistributing it to those who have not is a historically failed socialist policy that leads to economic and moral decline.
  • Yes, Republicans believe in equal rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, not just those selected by our government.
  • Yes, Republicans believe Presidents and their Administrations, especially the current Departments of Justice, Health & Human Services, Labor, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the IRS, should impartially administer the law and not arbitrarily pick and choose who wins and who loses in our society.
  • Yes, Republicans believe Presidents and their Administrations should be honest and transparent with American citizens, especially on major issues and crises effecting our country.
  • Yes, Republicans believe Presidents should put the needs of the American people above party politics.
  • Yes, Republicans believe our Presidents should uphold the oath they take at inauguration:  “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

I believe our votes in the next two elections will be vitally important to the future of our country. If you want to preserve our Constitution, our personal freedoms, our economy, and maintain the balance of powers between the three branches of government, the time to act is now.

Republicans ARE the Party of “YES” and are dedicated to protecting and improving our great nation. It is up to us, the citizens of America, to recognize the current dangers and elect Republicans to the House and Senate in 2014 and 2016 and replace Obama with a Republican President in 2016. Let’s save our country from “Obammunism” before it is too late.

The Old Guy PhD

America, We have a Problem!


Yes, if we can still call it our country, America has a problem and it is Obama’s continuing push for “Big Government.” The results of his socialist policies are increasing dependency on government, more central control over our lives, slow economic growth, higher taxes, and unsupportable debt financing for the increased spending and expansion of government. Obama, Congressional Democrats, and the liberal media are promoting this unnecessary federal enlargement primarily for political purposes. Simultaneously, they are trashing the Republican Party for trying to do the right thing for our country by offering intelligent fiscal policies to correct the liberals’ addiction to spending and debt. All of these left-wing groups are ignoring the results of their policies and believe they know more about what is best for us than we know for ourselves. These liberals are very wrong and are hurting our country. Obama and his supporters are transforming America from a nation of “makers” into a nation of “takers.”

Our great country was created by people who came here desiring religious and individual freedom, economic opportunities, limited government, a fair legal system to protect their rights, and a democratic process that prevents development of the autocracies from which they fled. They left everything behind in the hope of a better life for their families and themselves. Our Founding Fathers and the American patriots risked their wealth and their lives to establish our independence from tyranny and create the freedoms our ancestors wanted and which we have enjoyed for over 200 years. Liberal and especially Obama’s socialist policies are undermining the country our Founding Fathers created. America’s historic virtues are being replaced with left-wing policies that are slowing job & economic growth, are rapidly expanding a dependency class that relies on wealth-transfer from the success of others, and exploding and unsupportable debt. Currently, there is no end in sight to this potential result. Is this the future you want for yourself and your children?

For the last century starting with Woodrow Wilson, these so-called “progressive” policies have been systematically undermining our individual freedoms, our Constitution, our capitalist economy, and the very fundamentals upon which our country was founded. FDR, Lyndon Johnson, and now Barack Obama have expanded these economically destructive policies in major ways. Perhaps more importantly, these policies have accelerated with Obama and are increasing the probability of our financial failure as a country. America cannot continue to support our current entitlement programs and government, let alone their enlargement. Throughout history socialism has not succeeded and, over time, nearly always results in oppressive central government, a debt crisis, and economic collapse. Under Obama in only five years our National Debt has increased by 70% from $10.0 trillion to $17.2 trillion. Make no mistake; these liberal groups really do want to control every aspect of our lives from cradle to grave and are apparently willing to risk bankrupting our country to accomplish this. If we do not stop them, the America in which you and I grew up and loved will likely be lost for our children and ourselves.

It is totally beyond my comprehension how we twice elected an inexperienced, unqualified, aloof, and imperial-minded President with few, if any, managerial skills to lead the greatest nation on earth. Obama’s singular skill is to be an impressive “talking head” by reading from a teleprompter. He has shown little interest or ability in effective leadership. The list of Obama’s economic failures and his foreign & domestic policy disasters is extensive; of which Obamacare is just the most recent. History will be the ultimate judge of Obama’s two terms in office and it is not likely to be favorable.

One of the few things Obama got right was when he said in a recent speech, “Republicans need to win an Election!” Absolutely true! The only way America can change Obama’s failing liberal policies that are continuing to damage our country, is to vote out the “tax, spend, and borrow” Congressional Democrats in the 2014 election and in 2016 elect an unbiased and qualified President who understands economics, foreign policy, supports our Constitution & individual freedoms, and truly believes in American exceptionalism. Obama has not been that leader.

Yes, America, we have a big problem and the problem is Obama and his left-wing supporters of “Big Government.” As noted above, on one thing Obama is right, if we want to correct the problem, “Republicans need to win an election.” Are you ready to do your part?

The Old Guy PhD

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas #2


Time for some humor–again with apologies to Clement Moore & Democrats.


 ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas!

1    ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all thro’ my house,

2   Not a creature was resting, not even a mouse;

3   The Stockings were hung by the Chimney with hope,

4   That in 2014, we’d be able to cope;

5   Sebelius was panicked, and feared for her job,

6   While Obamacare problems, stirred up the mob,

7   With no health insurance, or work through the land,

8   We added our assets, to see how much on hand.

9   When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,

10   I sprang from depression to see what was the matter.

11  Away to the window I flew like a flash,

12  Tore open the shutters, and threw up the sash.

13  The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow,

14  Gave the lustre of mid-day to deficits below;

15  When, what to my desperate eyes should appear,

16  But a government golf cart, and eight progressive Reindeer,

17  With the President driving, so lively and quick,

18  I knew in a moment it must be a trick.

19  More rapid than eagles his supporters they came,

20 And he whistled, and shouted, and call’d them by name:

21    “Now Media! Now Wall Street! now Unions! and Wa’ Post!

22   “On Holder! on Carney! on Jarrett! and ‘Spend Most’!

23   “To the top of the Debt! To the top of the wall!

24   “Now Tax it all! Tax it all! Tax away all!”

25    As vague promises before the wild subsidies fly,

26    When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky;

27    So up to the heavens, the deficits they flew,

28    With the cart full of Regulations – and Executive Orders too:

29    And then in a twinkling, I heard on the roof

30   The laughing and gnashing of each little tooth.

31    As I drew in my head, and was turning around,

32   Down came Obama with a bag and a bound:

33   He was dress’d all in debts, from his head to his foot,

34   And his promises were stained with ‘misstatements’ and soot;

35    A bundle of taxes were hung on his back,

36    And he look’d like a peddler just opening his pack:

37    His promises – how many! His failures – how crippling,

38    His cheeks were like roses, his fingers were gripling;

39    His droll mouth was drawn up in a grin,

40    As he planned to build, bigger government again;

41     The bill for Obamacare he held tight in his teeth,

42    And joy encircled his head like a wreath.

43    He had a big smile, and blamed everyone else,

44    For all his disasters, all but himself:

45    He was happy and laughing, a right socialist old elf,

46    And I cringed when I saw him, in spite of myself;

47    A smile on his lips, and a twist of his ear,

48    Soon gave me to know, I had something to fear.

49    He spoke not a word, for him a big task,

50    And took all of value; then took off his mask,

51    And laying his golf club aside of his nose,

52    And taking my assets, up the chimney he rose.

53    He sprang to his golf cart, to his team gave a toot,

54    And away they all flew, after taking the loot:

55    And I heard him proclaim, as he drove by my eye;

56    Thanks for your help, kiss your healthcare and free markets goodbye!


Seriously, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to everyone! Hopefully, 2014 will be better!

The Old Guy PhD

Obama-A Socialist America?


I agree with Dr. Charles Krauthammer, who indicated on National TV after this week’s State of the Union address, that President Obama’s intention is to transform America into a European-style Socialist State. Many of my articles over the last two years have suggested that Obama is a “Neo-socialist” – a person who believes in government control over all aspects of the economy, including wealth redistribution, regulations, “Executive Orders,” and central planning. (Neo-socialism is different from traditional ‘Socialism,” which is based on government “Ownership” of businesses and industries.) Neo-socialists want political and economic central control over the country but not the responsibility of ownership or consequences. Unfortunately, both socialism and neo-socialism are equally destructive to economic growth and individual liberties and has historically failed or is failing in nations that have pursued it. Is this the future you want for America?

Based on the President’s “Inaugural Speech” and the “State of the Union Address”, it appears evident that Obama and the Democrats have no real intention of reducing government spending, reforming entitlements, or even seriously addressing our federal deficit and debt crises. However, they are intent on more spending, more taxes, more regulations, more debt, and less freedom for the American people. Resuming the pattern of his first term, Obama also seems to be more interested in fixing “Blame” on everyone but himself (especially Republicans) for everything wrong, when he should be exercising bipartisan leadership to resolve our problems – especially the ones he has created or aggravated. In my opinion Obama’s idea of a “Grand Bargain” is to raise taxes by every means possible, including class warfare, to fund “Bigger Government,” “Entitlements,” “Green Energy,” “Climate Control,” “Wealth Redistribution” and any other project his neo-socialist ideology deems desirable. I believe America’s best days could be ahead but “Obammunism” is not the way to solve problems and is not good for jobs, the economy, the Middle Class, or the future of our great country. We need a President who is willing to represent ALL the people fairly, exercise impartial leadership, and take responsibility for the consequences of his actions and policies.

So how has Obama really performed so far? During his first Presidential Campaign, he promised “Change” to transform our government. Unfortunately, he has been remarkably successful in moving America in the direction of European-style socialism and a culture of dependency. In only four years the size of government has increased from 20% of GDP to 25% of GDP. Our annual Federal Spending has increased from $2.9 trillion to $3.8 trillion (an increase of over 30%) and is expected to continue for Obama’s second term. Our annual Federal Deficit has increased from $0.5 trillion to over $1 trillion (an increase of 50%). Our National Debt has increased from $10 trillion to over $16 trillion (a 60% increase and now more than 100% of GDP). In the first two years Democrats passed massive new legislation for government-controlled healthcare, sweeping regulations over the financial industry, and the use of “Executive Orders” by the EPA, the Department of Energy, and the unconstitutional appointments to the NLRB to regulate personal and business use of private property and erode personal freedoms. The Democrat controlled Senate has not passed a budget in nearly four years. Welfare dependency has increased significantly and forced wealth redistribution through higher taxes on the “Rich” was recently enacted (and Obama wants more). The economic results have been the worst recovery in decades and a decline in GDP in the 4th Quarter of 2012. Clearly, Obama has delivered on his promise to “Change” our country. Are these the “Changes” for which you voted? Do you believe continuing these policies will solve our problems and advance the future for our children?

In my opinion it is not too late to correct this adverse trend toward national decline and save our nation. America can resolve its fiscal and debt crisis and restore our country to a solid foundation of responsible government and future prosperity. However, this can only occur if we return to the principles that have made America the greatest and most exceptional country in the world. These principles are: Constitutionally protected individual liberties, free markets, sound fiscal and monetary policies, economic growth, and Constitutionally limited government. The “Obammunists” are rapidly leading us away from our founding principles and toward a future of economic stagnation, shared poverty, limited personal freedom, and dependence on government for much of our survival. Under Obama, America is quickly declining into a centrally controlled overregulated neo-socialist state with increasingly limited opportunities for aspiring individuals and companies to succeed.

So what should we do? We have a republic with democratically elected representatives. It is up to us to determine and vote for the representatives that place the future of America before politics and who will stand up for the best interests of the people and the nation. The first and most vital action we can take is to become informed about the issues and vote out the “Obammunists” in the 2014 election. This one single accomplishment will at least stop the decay and give us the opportunity to correct the damage being done by Obama and the Democrats. Currently, we should demand our President and Congress concentrate on resolving our fiscal/debt crisis, get our economy back on track, and create productive private sector jobs. As I outlined in many of my 45 previous articles, this can be done and we need to do it. The American People should not be the servants of the government. Government should be the servant of the people.

The Old Guy PhD

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas!


Time for some humor – with apologies to Clement Moore & Democrats.

 ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas!

1    ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all thro’ the land,

2   Not a Senator was stirring, nor lifting a hand;

3   The Deficits were hung by the Capitol with care,

4   In hopes that Obama & Congress soon would be there;

5   The Democrats were nestled all snug in their beds,

6   While visions of Taxes danc’d in their heads,

7   And Mama in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,

8   Had just settled down for a long winter’s nap.

9   When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,

10   I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

11   Away to the window I flew like a flash,

12  Tore open the shutters, and threw up the sash.

13  The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow,

14  Gave the lustre of mid-day to Dependents below;

15  When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,

16  But a minature sleigh, and eight Union Reindeer,

17  With the President driving, so lively and quick,

18  I knew in a moment it must be a trick.

19  More rapid than eagles his Advocates they came,

20   And he whistled, and shouted, and call’d them by name:

21    “Now! AFL, now! NLRB, now! SEIU, and CIOs,

22   “On! Teachers, on! Teamsters, on! Alinsky and Soros;

23   “To the top of the Fiscal Cliff! to the top of the wall!

24   “Now trash it all! Trash it all ! Trash away all!”

25    As dead leaves before the wild Deficits fly,

26    When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky;

27    So up to the Cliff-top the coursers they flew,

28    With the sleigh full of Hand-outs – and Big Unions too:

29    And then in a twinkling, I heard on the roof

30   The gnashing and grinding of each little tooth.

31    As I drew in my head, and was turning around,

32   Down the chimney Obama came with a bound:

33   He was dress’d all in loans, from his head to his foot,

34   And his commitments were all tarnish’d with ashes and soot;

35    A bundle of Food Stamps was hung on his back,

36    And he look’d like a beggar just opening his pack:

37    His Obligations – how multiplied! His Deficits – how crippling,

38    His cheeks were like roses, his fingers were rippling;

39    His droll little mouth was drawn up in a grin,

40    As he contemplated hitting the “Rich” on the chin;

41     The bill for a Tax Hike he held tight in his teeth,

42    And his joy encircled his head like a wreath.

43    He had a thin face, and a little flat belly

44    That shook when he laugh’d, like a bowl full of jelly:

45    He was skinny and happy, a right socialist old elf,

46    And I cringed when I saw him in spite of myself;

47    A squint of his eye and a twist of his head,

48    Soon gave me to know I had something to dread.

49    He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,

50    And emptied all the stockings; then turn’d with a jerk,

51    And laying his finger aside of his nose,

52    And grasping the Wealth, up the chimney he rose.

53    He sprung to his sleigh, to his team gave a toot,

54    And away they all flew, after taking the loot:

55    But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight-

56    Thanks for your votes, and to all a good night!

Seriously, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to everyone! All the best for 2013!

The Old Guy PhD

It’s the Entitlements, Stupid!


With apologies to President Clinton for modifying his famous phrase, this time “It’s the Entitlements, Stupid!” Virtually everyone with a functioning brain knows that our exploding National Debt and $1 trillion annual Federal Deficits are unsustainable. Without a solution to this government-imposed national crisis, the American economy will continue to stagnate, unemployment will be high, job opportunities low, and the country may ultimately decline into bankruptcy. Also, anyone with a functioning brain knows that the solution to this problem must involve compromise and agreement among the three (3) fundamental contributors to the problem; “Entitlements,” “Discretionary Spending,” and “Tax Revenues.” By listening to the Media, President Obama, and the Democrats, you would conclude that the sole cause of our country’s fiscal and debt crisis is insufficient “Taxes on Rich.” Nothing could be further from the truth. This is like trying to stand on a 3-legged stool with two of the legs removed.

Let’s analyze President Obama’s only publicly proposed solution, “Tax the Rich.” Our annual federal deficit is currently $1.3 trillion. Obama’s proposal with possible outcomes is presented below:

Obama “Tax the Rich” Proposal

Possible Annual Revenue (billions)

% Deficit Solved

Raise top 2 rates on Incomes above $200-250,000 from 33 to 35% & 36 to 39.6%



Raise Dividend tax from 15% to Ordinary Income Rate



Raise Capital Gains tax fro 15% to 20%



Reinstate the Pease limit on Itemized Deduction



Reinstate the Personal Exemption Phase-out (PEP)



Subtotal Tax increase for Upper-income



Restore Estate & Gift Tax to 2009 levels



Total Government Tax Revenue




The above result is a static analysis and assumes no income or behavioral change by taxpayers (highly unlikely). In total, Obama’s “Tax the Rich” solution would potentially generate $96.8 billion per year and solve a mere 8.1% of our annual fiscal deficit problem. Since neither Obama nor the Democrat leaders have publicly suggested any change in either “Discretionary Spending” or “Entitlements,” this would leave a continuing federal deficit of approximately $1 trillion per year or 92% of the fiscal problem unresolved. (Interestingly, a $1 trillion annual deficit is the amount in Obama’s currently proposed budget for the next four (4) years.) This is blind insanity and “Ostrich Management.”

“Entitlement” reform for Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security combined with growth oriented “Tax Reform” and “Discretionary Spending” cuts are the only ways we can avoid the trap that Greece and other European socialist countries have created for themselves. By insisting ONLY on “Taxing the Rich” with no consideration for “Discretionary Spending” cuts or “Entitlement” reform, Obama appears to be more interested in political ideology than in solving our nation’s economic problems. Without correction, we will create a European slow growth dependent society for America and potentially financial collapse. We must demand a better and more comprehensive performance from our government. I believe the Republicans are correct in demanding that any agreement on additional tax revenues must be accompanied by significant cuts in federal spending.

Let’s review some fundamental facts about our unsustainable National Debt and continuing Fiscal Deficits. The table below summarizes the major items in our national economy and Obama’s 2012 enacted budget.


2012 Budget Amount (Billions)

Total Current National Debt


Estimated Gross Domestic Product (GDP)


Total Federal Government Receipts (Tax, etc.)


Total Federal Government Outlays


Annual Federal Surplus (Deficit)


Total Mandatory “Entitlement” Outlays


Health (Medicaid, etc.)




Social Security


Income Security (Food Stamps, Unemployment, Housing, etc.)


Net Interest on Debt


Total “Discretionary” Outlays


National Defense





Federal outlays in 2012 are expected to be $3.8 trillion (24% of GDP) with a $1.3 trillion deficit after government revenues of $2.5 trillion. Mandatory “Entitlements” total $2.3 trillion, (60% of federal outlays and approximately 15% of GDP), AND are growing at an alarming and unsustainable rate. Discretionary federal outlays (including National Defense) are $1.3 trillion. Simple math indicates that to balance the budget without “Entitlement” reform, the entire Federal Government “Discretionary Spending” (including National Defense) must be eliminated or tax revenues increased across-the-board by approximately 50% to eliminate the deficit. Neither of these alternatives individually or in combination is feasible or desirable. Currently the largest federal “Entitlement” outlays are: Health (Medicaid) & Medicare $845 billion, Social Security $818 billion, Income Security $580 billion, and Interest on Debt $225 billion. (Please note that “Interest on Debt” is unusually small based on an artificially low interest rate (approximately 1-1.5%) resulting from global economic problems and monetary support by the FRS. When interest rates return to normal levels the $225 billion could easily double or more in a very short period of time. Remember, interest rates were in the double digits in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Just look at the recent government borrowing rates in the troubled countries in Europe.)

While the mandatory “Entitlement” programs have good intent and are desirable, they are not sustainable and are inconsistent with economic growth policies. “Entitlements” are where the big federal outlays reside and must be part of a major solution to our fiscal and debt crisis. “Entitlement” reform is the most significant fiscal spending problem we face. Fortunately, we have excellent proposals from Conservatives and bipartisan groups available on how to fix “Entitlements” (see Bowles-Simpson, “The Moment of Truth,” Domenici-Rivlin, “Restoring America’s Future,” and The Heritage Foundation, “Saving the American Dream”). It would be helpful if Obama and the Democrats would acknowledge these or offer proposals of their own. It won’t be easy but as I said in the title, “It’s the Entitlements, Stupid!”

Let’s get to work and save our country!

The Old Guy PhD

Has American Decided Its Future?


No, there is still the opportunity to influence our future! While it is not possible for me to adequately describe my disappointment, disbelief, and initial unhappiness with the results in this election, a free people in a free society expressed their current desire for a popular President to continue to transform our country into a centrally controlled socialist welfare state. If this new nation evolves, our country will be very different from the America in which I have long lived, long enjoyed, and hoped to endow to my children. Fortunately, we live in a country where it is possible for an election as divisive is this one to take place peacefully and without violence and there will be another Congressional election in only two years. We now know (or should know) exactly what the next four years are likely to bring unless we strive to change it.

On its current track America faces a looming financial & economic collapse, unsustainable deficits & National Debt, higher taxes and healthcare costs, the ultimate failure of our important social safety nets, continued energy dependence on nations that do not like us, and a Foreign Policy of appeasement, apology, & withdrawal that has encouraged terrorists & enemies of the US and our allies. If Iran does create a nuclear weapon and the “Arab Spring” continues to deteriorate, it is unlikely that our best ally in the Middle East, Israel, will survive without resolute US support. Without a course correction, the America and freedoms I know and love are probably doomed. In my opinion, our only hope is that Obama reverses nearly all of his policies (unlikely) or the Republicans and Democrats in Congress can find a bipartisan way to resolve our country’s multiple crises quickly (possible). It is now time for all of us on both sides of the issues to work together to save our country. It can be done!

John F. Kennedy at his inauguration said, “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country!” This was not only inspirational but an accurate indication of our country’s culture of independence, freedom, and opportunity at the time. Since those words were spoken, our nation has experienced a gradual erosion of our freedoms, a huge increase in the size of our government, and increased welfare and dependency by citizens on government. We must regain our spirit of personal responsibility, mutual cooperation, and independence from a government that increasingly seems to believe (with apologies to JFK), “My fellow dependents, ask not what you can do for yourselves; ask what your government can do for you!” Let’s all endeavor to reestablish a culture of unity not divisiveness, compromise not partisanship, progress not gridlock, and independence not welfare. We are all Americans!

I believe the Republicans can and should take the lead in proposing new solutions to the major crisis of our time: the impending financial collapse of our federal government and our economy. My two principal suggestions for initial Congressional action are: 1) In the lame duck session extend the “Bush Tax Cuts” for 6-12 months to avoid the “Fiscal Cliff” and give Congress a reasonable opportunity to properly deal with the real reforms necessary and 2) As the first priority in 2013 pass the Bowles-Simpson proposal in the House with added entitlement reform as the appropriate framework for a permanent solution and submit this to the Senate for review and actual vote. (see “Bowles & Simpson Have it Right!” “Obama Ignores Bowles-Simpson Debt Reduction Commission-Again!” “Debt Reduction: Bowles & Simpson Have it Right-Redux!” “Debt Crisis-Whatever happened to Bowles-Simpson?”) Simply “Taxing the Rich” cannot work. If the “Rich” were taxed at 100% and paid it (unlikely), there is not enough tax revenue available to pay for and sustain our government for the future. What is required is renewing the growing private-sector economy necessary to create the jobs needed to move individuals from permanent dependency to employment and personal independence. In other words, “Save the American Dream!”

Longer term Republicans need to properly and practically address with positive programs the issue of Latinos in America (+40% voting edge for Obama), Women’s issues (+11% voting edge for Obama), and the lack of under age 30 youth support (+20% voting edge for Obama). Without broadening the party’s appeal to these constituencies, it will become increasingly difficult for Republicans to win future elections.

The challenge facing our future is getting our government to work together to correct its self-inflicted path of fiscal insanity, unsupportable debt, unsustainable entitlements, and individual dependency on government by a combination of economic growth policies, major business and individual tax reform to increase tax revenues, cuts in unnecessary federal discretionary spending, and reforms required to make our social safety nets and entitlement programs sustainable for future generations. We can do this! Let’s get to work!

The Old Guy PhD

Decision Time in America – Which Future do You Want?


On November 6 we will face an election that will decide our nation’s course for many years. This election will be the most important election in our lives and will decide not only our immediate future but also the future for our children and grandchildren. After 3 ½ years of the Obama Administration, the Senate Democrats, and over a year of campaigning, our choices have never been more clear. At stake is the success or failure of our economy, the relationship between our government and ourselves, federal fiscal and debt solvency, taxation levels, America’s role in the world, and the legacy we are endowing to future generations.

The key issue we must face is which Presidential Candidate and political party offers the best opportunity for economic & job growth, wealth creation, supportable social safety nets & entitlements, sustainable National Debt, and a higher standard of living for the American people. It is vital that each of us take the time and make the effort to understand the potential consequences for our culture, our freedoms, and the potential survival of our country from these two widely different visions of government’s role in our society and vote accordingly.

Choice 1

Fundamentally, Romney/Ryan and the Republican Party support smaller government, free market capitalism, a strong national security, and individual liberty. They believe in the Constitution as written by the Founding Fathers, individual & business freedoms, private property rights, sound fiscal and monetary policies, lower taxes for business and individuals, a government limited to the powers granted in the Constitution, and equality of opportunities for all citizens.

Specifically in this election, Romney/Ryan and Republicans support overturning government run Obamacare, which significantly increases healthcare costs, adds central bureaucratic control over healthcare, and erodes our freedom of choice in the doctor/patient relationship. They support overturning the Dodd-Frank financial legislation, which has stagnated our financial industry and economic growth and adds layers of still to be written rules and regulations and additional costs over banking. As protection from mounting problems in the Middle East, Romney/Ryan and Republicans support the construction of the Keystone Pipeline and the opening of public lands and offshore exploration for expanding and achieving North American energy independence.

Republicans further believe in a clear and resolute Foreign Policy supported by a strong economy and military and free trade with other nations. They believe that a reasonable but not unlimited social safety net is desirable for those truly in need and welfare as a temporary situation with the objective of being a transition to independence. Romney/Ryan advocate major tax reform by lowering the rates and broadening the base for individuals and businesses in order to promote economic growth. They further advocate major entitlement reform to bring the Federal Budget into balance, while insuring that Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid will be sustainable for future generations.

Regarding the economy, Republicans believe that prosperity and job growth is derived from entrepreneurial business activity free from excessive government interference and is advanced by minimizing regulations, having lower taxes, and maximizing freedoms and opportunities. Individual and business success is praised, honored, and rewarded. Free markets determine winners and losers and wealth is distributed based on objective “achievement” through persistence, intelligence, and hard work.

Choice 2

Primarily, Obama/Biden and the Democrat Party support bigger (unlimited?) government, centrally planned European-style neo-socialism, reduced national defense, and bureaucratic control of individual and business freedoms. They believe in a “living” Constitution to be interpreted and modified by the judicial system as desired, control over private property use, and unsustainable fiscal policy and National Debt. They advocate open-ended entitlements, welfare, and government spending, higher taxes on businesses and individuals but especially the successful “rich”, and forced wealth transfer to achieve “fairness”. Opportunities for success (or failure) will be largely determined by central government administrators.

Specifically in this election, Obama/Biden and Democrats approve of and are committed to retaining government run Obamacare and Dodd-Frank financial legislation. They have no practical national energy plan and are against the Keystone Pipeline, offshore exploration, and expansion of fossil fuel development on public land. As is well documented, Obama currently favors “Green Energy” as the alternative to fossil fuels and, through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of Energy (DOE), has used billions of taxpayer money to subsidize and support his belief. Through the EPA and DOE, The Obama Administration is waging a “War on Coal”, which is preventing the country from exploiting a cheap and plentiful fuel source and will result in the loss of thousands of jobs in the Coal Industry. All of this makes America weaker and more dependent on foreign energy from the troubled Middle East Area.

For nearly four years Obama has followed a Foreign Policy of appeasement, apology, and withdrawal emphasized by planned reductions in the military and controlled trade with other nations. Obama and Democrats believe in regulated and even hostile control over businesses and the use of Administrative Executive Power (especially EPA, DOE, Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), and Department of Labor (DOL)) as desired to accomplish this. They believe in and have encouraged entitlement expansion and welfare dependency supported by a $6 Trillion increase in the National Debt in four years.

Obama/Biden and Democrats believe that economic and job growth is derived from central government planning not free markets, high taxes on successful individuals & companies, and taxpayer funding through grants and subsidies to bureaucratically selected companies and industries. Individual and business success is envied, derided, and penalized through regulations and wealth transfer. The government determines winners and losers based on administrative subjectivity and wealth is redistributed based on an arbitrary determination of “fairness”.

For months we have heard impressive speeches from our President promising more of the same “Hope and Change” supported by increasing government restrictions (Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, the EPA, the DOE, etc.), unsustainable entitlements, higher taxes on the “Rich”, and ballooning National Debt. But no volume of skillful oratory by the President can disguise the fact that Obama and the Democrats have no new ideas for the next four years and Romney/Ryan and the Republicans do. Romney has articulated clearly his 5-Point Plan to get America back on track to a prosperous growing economy with job opportunities for those who want to work: 1) Energy Independence, 2) Free Trade, 3) a Balanced Budget, 4) Improved Education, and 5) Tax Reform to support Small Businesses. While no one party or individual is perfect or will solve all problems we must select the alternative that provides our best opportunity to save our country from financial disaster and economic chaos that uncontrolled government deficits represent. The survival of our great nation depends on making the right choice.

OK, it’s decision time! Which future do you want? Please take the time and make the effort to study the alternatives, the potential outcomes from each, consider what is at stake for yourself, your children, and our great country, and vote wisely. The choice will be yours on November 6th.

The Old Guy PhD